Comics Plus

With Comics Plus, you have unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from more than one hundred publishers through your school or public library. Every title is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on your computer, tablet, or phone—no holds or wait lists required.

Nos llamaron enemigo by Takei, George
Okinawa by Higa, Susumu
The bomb by Alcante
Deserter by Ito, Junji
Grandmothers, our grandmothers by Seong-Won, Han
Fighting for America by Matsuda, Lawrence Y
Those who helped us by Mochizuki, Ken
Grass by Gendry-Kim, Keum Suk
We are not strangers by Tuininga, Josh
Citizen 13660 by Okubo, Miné
Raid of no return by Hale, Nathan