Anthem by Rand, Ayn
The awakening by Roberts, Nora
The recovery agent by Evanovich, Janet
Atlas of the heart by Brown, Brene
The guest list by Foley, Lucy
The ship of the dead by Riordan, Rick
The crossing by Connelly, Michael
See me by Sparks, Nicholas
Vicious circle by Box, C. J
Y is for yesterday by Grafton, Sue
The wild robot by Brown, Peter
Two kinds of truth by Connelly, Michael
Magpie murders by Horowitz, Anthony
The underground railroad by Whitehead, Colson
The jailhouse lawyer by Patterson, James
Go tell the bees that I am gone by Gabaldon, Diana
The seventh plague by Rollins, James
Fast and loose by Woods, Stuart
One good deed by Baldacci, David
Maame by George, Jessica
Man's search for meaning by Frankl, Viktor E
The girl who takes an eye for an eye by Lagercrantz, David
Shakeup by Woods, Stuart
Someone knows by Scottoline, Lisa