Unsheltered by Kingsolver, Barbara
The woman in me by Spears, Britney
Storm watch by Box, C. J
Three-inch teeth by Box, C. J
Dexter's laboratory
The house of Cross by Patterson, James
The long way home by Penny, Louise
This summer will be different by Fortune, Carley
Out of nowhere by Brown, Sandra
Wandering stars by Orange, Tommy
The Sentence by Erdrich, Louise
The rom-commers by Center, Katherine
The wish by Sparks, Nicholas
Wild by Strayed, Cheryl
Mercy by Baldacci, David
Murder in an Irish village by O'Connor, Carlene
Game on : tempting twenty-eight by Evanovich, Janet
Kingdom of the blind by Penny, Louise
Hardcore twenty-four by Evanovich, Janet
Seeing red by Brown, Sandra
The vaster wilds by Groff, Lauren
The survivors by Harper, Jane
Glass houses by Penny, Louise
Any dream will do by Macomber, Debbie