Goodnight, goodnight, construction site by Rinker, Sherri Duskey
Clifford, the big red dog by Bridwell, Norman
From apple trees to cider, please! by Chernesky, Felicia Sanzari
Dogs in the dead of night by Osborne, Mary Pope
Pete the cat's groovy bake sale by Dean, James
Over and under the rainforest by Messner, Kate
I talk like a river by Scott, Jordan
Lyric McKerrigan, secret librarian by Sager Weinstein, Jacob
Bread and jam for Frances by Hoban, Russell
Land of the spring dragon by West, Tracey
Don't let the pigeon drive the bus by Willems, Mo
Franklin's Thanksgiving by Jennings, Sharon
Stella by Miles, Ellen
Victor Vicuna's volcano vacation by DeRubertis, Barbara
Pete the cat by Dean, James
Flight of the Moon Dragon by West, Tracey
Lilly's purple plastic purse by Henkes, Kevin
The Hallo-wiener by Pilkey, Dav
The rabbit listened by Doerrfeld, Cori
Chill of the ice dragon by West, Tracey
The three little wolves and the big bad pig by Trivizas, Eugenios
Legend of the Star Dragon by West, Tracey
Cinderella stories around the world by Meister, Cari
Supertruck by Savage, Stephen