Karma is a cat by Jacobs, Farrin
Monstrous mammals by Pallotta, Jerry
Hello, Sun! by Watkins, Lala
The great voyage by Bouchard, Natasha
Sabrina Sue loves the mountains by Burris, Priscilla
Surprise island adventure by Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Fresh start by Galligan, Gale
Pato y ganso by Hills, Tad
Suave y Pegajoso by Willis, Jeanne
Ultimate reptile rumble by Pallotta, Jerry
Saturno by Thielges, Alissa
Urano by Thielges, Alissa
Banana bop! by Boynton, Sandra
Potty time with Bean by Accurso, Rachel
The Goodnight Train valentine by Sobel, June
Dress-up fun with Elmo by Reynolds, Cat (Children's author)
Blood city rollers by Anderson, V. P