The sun and the star by Riordan, Rick
Sparrows in the wind by Levine, Gail Carson
Treasure Island by Rhodes, Jewell Parker
What is cultural appropriation? by Bruegl, Heather
The radium girls by Moore, Kate (Writer and editor)
In the beautiful country by Kuo, Jane
Amber & Clay by Schlitz, Laura Amy
The traitor's blade by Sands, Kevin
Ensnared in the Wolf's Lair by Bausum, Ann
Hands by Maldonado, Torrey
I am the walrus by Shusterman, Neal
Dress coded by Firestone, Carrie
Signs of survival by Hartman, Renée G
Iveliz lo explica todo by Arango, Andrea Beatriz
Tumbos by Pérez, Celia C
What is a dreamer? = by Perez Mendoza, Brenda
Across the pond by McCullough, Joy