Sun of blood and ruin by Lares, Mariely
Familiaris by Wroblewski, David
The secret history of Bigfoot by O'Connor, John
Amari and the despicable wonders by Alston, B. B
A nest of vipers by Nagendra, Harini
Leather & lark by Weaver, Brynne
Olivetti by Millington, Allie
The grey wolf by Penny, Louise
Fire exit by Talty, Morgan
The lantern's dance by King, Laurie R
Here one moment by Moriarty, Liane
Broiler by Cranor, Eli
By any other name by Picoult, Jodi
Bits and pieces by Goldberg, Whoopi
To die for by Baldacci, David
Sandwich by Newman, Catherine
Framed by Grisham, John
The mirror by Roberts, Nora
Perfect fit by Gilmore, Clare
Swan song by Hilderbrand, Elin
The mighty red by Erdrich, Louise
What a fool believes by McDonald, Michael
The life impossible by Haig, Matt
Martyr! by Akbar, Kaveh