Sun of blood and ruin by Lares, Mariely
Three-inch teeth by Box, C. J
The Briar Club by Quinn, Kate
The grey wolf by Penny, Louise
The midnight feast by Foley, Lucy (Novelist)
To die for by Baldacci, David
A Calamity of Souls by Baldacci, David
Dexter's laboratory
Eruption by Crichton, Michael
The mirror by Roberts, Nora
Swan song by Hilderbrand, Elin
Now or never by Evanovich, Janet
Sandwich by Newman, Catherine
The house of Cross by Patterson, James
The #1 lawyer by Patterson, James
Toxic prey by Sandford, John
You like it darker by King, Stephen
Joy by Steel, Danielle
An unfinished love story by Goodwin, Doris Kearns
More or less Maddy by Genova, Lisa
The murder inn by Patterson, James
Somehow by Lamott, Anne
The first state of being by Kelly, Erin Entrada
Summers at the Saint by Andrews, Mary Kay