A nest of vipers by Nagendra, Harini
The grey wolf by Penny, Louise
By any other name by Picoult, Jodi
The mighty red by Erdrich, Louise
The life impossible by Haig, Matt
Now or never by Evanovich, Janet
We solve murders by Osman, Richard
The secret war of Julia Child by Chambers, Diana R
Never too late by Steel, Danielle
The husbands by Gramazio, Holly
This is why we lied by Slaughter, Karin
Lost birds by Hillerman, Anne
The murder inn by Patterson, James
Hard to kill by Patterson, James
House of flame and shadow by Maas, Sarah J
Somehow by Lamott, Anne
Summers at the Saint by Andrews, Mary Kay
Raised by wolves by Patterson, James
Passions in death by Robb, J. D
Triangle by Steel, Danielle
When among crows by Roth, Veronica
Spectacular by Garber, Stephanie
The Paris novel by Reichl, Ruth
The Sicilian inheritance by Piazza, Jo