The grey wolf by Penny, Louise
The waiting by Connelly, Michael
In too deep by Child, Lee
The mighty red by Erdrich, Louise
More or less Maddy by Genova, Lisa
The sequel by Korelitz, Jean Hanff
Aquaman and the lost kingdom
Haiku ew! by Brunelle, Lynn
Murder Island by Patterson, James
123 Sesame Street
Gut reaction by Larson, Kirby
Maxine gets a job by Garyn, Alexandra
We share this earth by Saks, Dan
The bridge =
Finding things by Henkes, Kevin
For our daughters by Nyoko, Mel
The last boyfriends rules for revenge by Hubbard, Matthew
Travis Daventhorpe powers up! by Molebash, Wes
The spectacular science of the living world by Colson, Rob
Banana bop! by Boynton, Sandra