Three-inch teeth by Box, C. J
The midnight feast by Foley, Lucy
Here one moment by Moriarty, Liane
Camino ghosts by Grisham, John
A Calamity of Souls by Baldacci, David
The hunter by French, Tana
Toxic prey by Sandford, John
One perfect couple by Ware, Ruth
Never too late by Steel, Danielle
This is why we lied by Slaughter, Karin
The murder inn by Patterson, James
Hard to kill by Patterson, James
Supercommunicators by Duhigg, Charles
Something lost, something gained by Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Joy by Steel, Danielle
Somehow by Lamott, Anne
The guncle abroad by Rowley, Steven
Lies and weddings by Kwan, Kevin
The new couple in 5B by Unger, Lisa
After Annie by Quindlen, Anna
Bear by Phillips, Julia
The situation room by Stephanopoulos, George
Everyone on this train is a suspect by Stevenson, Benjamin
The last murder at the end of the world by Turton, Stuart