The house of Cross by Patterson, James
The #1 lawyer by Patterson, James
Along came a spider by Patterson, James
The 17th suspect by Patterson, James
Cross down by Patterson, James
12 months to live by Patterson, James
Obsessed by Patterson, James
Deadly Cross by Patterson, James
Target, Alex Cross by Patterson, James
The house of Wolves by Patterson, James
Double cross by Patterson, James
Kiss the girls by Patterson, James
1st to die by Patterson, James
Criss cross by Patterson, James
The First Lady by Patterson, James
The 5th horseman by Patterson, James
School's out, forever by Patterson, James
Mary, Mary by Patterson, James
Four blind mice by Patterson, James
Cross by Patterson, James
Pop goes the weasel by Patterson, James
The ninth month by Patterson, James
Get me out of here! by Patterson, James
Treasure hunters by Patterson, James