Summary of Jim Sciutto's The Return of Great Powers by Media, IRB
Summary of Kara Swisher's Burn Book by Media, IRB
Summary of Cal Newport's Slow Productivity by Media, IRB
Summary of Ted Cruz's Unwoke by Media, IRB
Summary of Paul Kengor's The Devil and Karl Marx by Media, IRB
Summary of Paul David Tripp's New Morning Mercies by Media, IRB
Summary of Zoë Schlanger's The Light Eaters by Media, IRB
Summary of Richard Dawkins's The Magic of Reality by Media, IRB
Summary of Julie Satow's The Plaza by Media, IRB
Summary of Caitlin Murray's The National Team by Media, IRB
Summary of Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt's Tyranny of the Minority by Media, IRB
Summary of Hillary Rodham Clinton's Something Lost, Something Gained by Media, IRB
Summary of Tony Robbins and Christopher Zook's The Holy Grail of Investing by Media, IRB
Summary of Max Bennett's A Brief History of Intelligence by Media, IRB
Summary of Paul Bloom's Psych by Media, IRB
Summary of Richard Evans's The Coming of the Third Reich by Media, IRB
Summary of Tracy Borman's Anne Boleyn & Elizabeth I by Media, IRB
Summary of Marc Morris's The Anglo-Saxons by Media, IRB
Summary of Abraham J Twerski's Addictive Thinking by Media, IRB
Summary of Jessica Brody's Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Media, IRB
Summary of Craig Shirley's Mary Ball Washington by Media, IRB
Summary of John MacArthur's Strange Fire by Media, IRB
Summary of Brian Greene's The Hidden Reality by Media, IRB
Summary of John Vaillant's Fire Weather by Media, IRB