Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery, L. M
The call of the wild by London, Jack
Moby-Dick by Melville, Herman
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Twain, Mark
Winnie the Pooh by Milne, A. A
The secret garden by Burnett, Frances Hodgson
The Swiss family Robinson by Wyss, Johann David
The Last of the Mohicans by Cooper, James Fenimore
Around the World in Eighty Days by Verne, Jules
The man in the iron mask by Dumas, Alexandre
The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas, Alexandre
Oliver Twist by Dickens, Charles
El principito by Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
The house at Pooh Corner by Milne, A. A
The secret of the old mill by Dixon, Franklin W
Peter Pan by Barrie, J. M
The house on the cliff by Dixon, Franklin W
Hunting for hidden gold by Dixon, Franklin W
Alice's adventures in Wonderland by Carroll, Lewis
A Christmas carol by Dickens, Charles
The shore road mystery by Dixon, Franklin W
The missing chums by Dixon, Franklin W
Anne of Avonlea by Montgomery, L. M
Anne of the island by Montgomery, L. M