Onyx storm by Yarros, Rebecca
Tom Lake by Patchett, Ann
Wuthering Heights by Bronte, Emily
The Whittiers by Steel, Danielle
The Black Witch by Forest, Laurie
Necessary trouble by Faust, Drew Gilpin
Storm watch by Box, C. J
Trophy hunt by Box, C. J
Letter to the American Church by Metaxas, Eric
The Briar Club by Quinn, Kate
The hobbit, or, there and back again by Tolkien, J. R. R
The nightingale / by Hannah, Kristin
The book woman of Troublesome Creek by Richardson, Kim Michele
None of this is true by Jewell, Lisa
Happiness by Steel, Danielle
Persuasion by Austen, Jane
The waiting by Connelly, Michael
A nest of vipers by Nagendra, Harini
The story of my life by Keller, Helen
The year of magical thinking by Didion, Joan
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by Rowling, J. K
The Aeneid by Virgil
I cheerfully refuse by Enger, Leif
The sun also rises by Hemingway, Ernest