Unsheltered by Kingsolver, Barbara
Any day now by Carr, Robyn
The woman in me by Spears, Britney
Momentous events in the life of a cactus by Bowling, Dusti
The grey wolf by Penny, Louise
The waiting by Connelly, Michael
The secret by Child, Lee
Dead fall by Thor, Brad
Out of nowhere by Brown, Sandra
The awakening by Roberts, Nora
Man's search for meaning by Frankl, Viktor E
Wild by Strayed, Cheryl
Glass houses by Penny, Louise
The underground railroad by Whitehead, Colson
Vicious circle by Box, C. J
What happened to the Bennetts by Scottoline, Lisa
The Longmire defense by Johnson, Craig
Obsessed by Patterson, James
The Lost City of the Monkey God by Preston, Douglas J
Roll of thunder, hear my cry by Taylor, Mildred D
The candy house by Egan, Jennifer
Bewilderment by Powers, Richard
Black Hills blood hunt by Johnstone, William W
Mrs. Everything by Weiner, Jennifer