Tiger shark vs. leopard seal by Sommer, Nathan
Dung beetle vs. tarantula hawk by Sommer, Nathan
American alligator vs. wild boar by Sommer, Nathan
Ostrich vs. cheetah by Sommer, Nathan
Owls by Sommer, Nathan
Kites by Sommer, Nathan
Falcons by Sommer, Nathan
Grizzly Bear vs. Wolf Pack by Sommer, Nathan
Lion vs. Hyena Clan by Sommer, Nathan
Hawks by Sommer, Nathan
Vultures by Sommer, Nathan
Gorilla vs. Leopard by Sommer, Nathan
Eagles by Sommer, Nathan
Crocodile monitor vs. southern cassowary by Sommer, Nathan
Arctic fox vs. snowy owl by Sommer, Nathan
Harpy eagle vs. ocelot by Sommer, Nathan
Burmese python vs. sun bear by Sommer, Nathan
Tennessee by Sommer, Nathan
Uranus by Sommer, Nathan
The Haiti Earthquake by Sommer, Nathan
African Wild Dog Pack vs. Leopard by Sommer, Nathan
Barbie Dolls by Sommer, Nathan
Pluto & the Dwarf Planets by Sommer, Nathan
Ferrari 812 Superfast by Sommer, Nathan