Jack and the beanstalk = Juan y frijoles magicos by Ottolenghi, Carol
Goldilocks and the three bears = by Ransom, Candice F
For all = by Domenzain, Alejandra
Eres curioso todo el tiempo! by Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner
Amazing eggs = by Hodgkins, Fran
The coyote under the table = El coyote debajo de la mesa : folktales told in Spanish and English by Hayes, Joe
Adelita and the veggie cousins by Bertrand, Diane Gonzales
�Montones de mariquitas! : cuenta de cinco en cinco = Lots of ladybugs : counting by fives by Dahl, Michael
El cuarto turquesa  = by Brown, Monica
Maxy survives the hurricane by Chansky, Ricia Anne
Broken butterfly wings = by Ortiz, Raquel M
Alejandria fights back! = by Hernandez-Linares, Leticia
Vamonos a San Salvador by Rodriguez, Patty
We play soccer = by Colato Lainez, Rene
The gift of the poinsettia = by Mora, Pat
Sharuko by Brown, Monica
Diario de Oaxaca, Mexico by Kuper, Peter
Birdie's beauty parlor = by Byrd, Lee Merrill
Cool salsa
First 100 words by Jaramillo, Susie