Hanna Hippo's horrible hiccups by DeRubertis, Barbara
I have the hiccups by Mattern, Joanne
That uncertain feeling
Harry's hiccups by Little, Jean
The hiccupotamus by Zenz, Aaron
Hiccups! by Sterling, Holly
The hiccup by Sissung, Ingrid
Pete the Kitty and the case of the hiccups by Dean, James
Little Penguin gets the hiccups by Bentley, Tadgh
Hector's hiccups by Jules, Jacqueline
Print͡sessa, kotorai͡a iknula = The princess who hiccuped by Dulleck, Nina
Hiccup! by Herrod, Mike
I am brave! by Greenawalt, Kelly
Skeleton hiccups by Cuyler, Margery
Don't worry, bee happy by Burach, Ross