The night before Christmas by Moore, Clement Clarke
Fourth wing by Yarros, Rebecca
A child's garden of verses by Stevenson, Robert Louis
The story of my life by Keller, Helen
The boyfriend candidate by Winstead, Ashley
The Swiss family Robinson by Wyss, Johann David
The science of getting rich by Wattles, W. D
The wealth of nations by Smith, Adam
The Trial by Kafka, Franz
On the nature of things by Lucretius Carus, Titus
The measure by Erlick, Nikki
Manhattan transfer by Dos Passos, John
The histories by Herodotus
Braiding sweetgrass by Kimmerer, Robin Wall
Vicious circle by Box, C. J
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Irving, Washington
Trilby by Du Maurier, George
How to catch the Easter Bunny by Wallace, Adam
Brightest night by Sutherland, Tui
Banana cream pie murder by Fluke, Joanne
Cress by Meyer, Marissa
King's cage by Aveyard, Victoria
Thunder rising by Hunter, Erin
Good dog by Gemeinhart, Dan