That self-same metal by Williams, Brittany N
The night before Christmas by Moore, Clement Clarke
The Last of the Mohicans by Cooper, James Fenimore
Sins of the fathers by Jance, Judith A
Dragon teeth by Crichton, Michael
City of dreams by Winslow, Don
The lost man by Harper, Jane
In this grave hour by Winspear, Jacqueline
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Yousafzai, Malala
Prom mom by Lippman, Laura
Lost light by Connelly, Michael
Pieces of her by Slaughter, Karin
Dream with little angels by Hiebert, Michael
Nicholas Nickleby by Dickens, Charles
The book that matters most by Hood, Ann
The rest of the story by Dessen, Sarah
The storyteller by Picoult, Jodi
Past perfect by Steel, Danielle
The consolation of philosophy by Boethius
The serpent's shadow by Riordan, Rick
House of the rising sun by Burke, James Lee
Stick and Stone by Ferry, Beth
The Darling Dahlias and the red hot poker by Albert, Susan Wittig
A hero of France by Furst, Alan