Dragon teeth by Crichton, Michael
Prey by Crichton, Michael
The next person you meet in Heaven by Albom, Mitch
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
Emily's quest by Montgomery, L. M
We are not free by Chee, Traci
Ramona blue by Murphy, Julie
Exit wounds by Jance, Judith A
Imogen, obviously by Albertalli, Becky
Private justice by Blackstock, Terri
When the angels left the old country by Lamb, Sacha
Blackbird by Carey, Anna
Battle magic by Pierce, Tamora
Assassins : assignment: Jerusalem, target: Antichrist by LaHaye, Tim
Broken wish by Dao, Julie C
The mark by LaHaye, Tim
Tribulation force : the continuing drama of those left behind by LaHaye, Tim
Nothing but the truth by Avi
A million worlds with you by Gray, Claudia
Nicolae by LaHaye, Tim
Blue latitudes : boldly going where Captain Cook has gone before by Horwitz, Tony
Montana 1948 by Watson, Larry
The Tiger at Midnight by Teerdhala, Swati
Chaser by Pilley, John W