E. B. White
Paramount Pictures
Pub. Date
In ordinary Somerset County, a young farm girl named Fern rescues the runt of a litter of pigs from her father's ax. Fern names the pig Wilbur, takes care of him, and continues to visit him every day after he is moved to her Uncle Homer Zuckerman's barn across the road. But it's Wilbur's friendship with Charlotte the spider that ultimately saves him from the "smoke house" when Charlotte's talent for weaving praiseworthy words about Wilbur into her...
Binge Box
Pub. Date
Mary Poppins: Mary Poppins flies out of the windy London skies and into the home of two mischievous children. With the help of a carefree chimney sweep named Bert, the spirited nanny turns every chore into a game
Hotel for dogs: When two orphans, whose foster parents do not allow pets, discover stray dogs in an abandoned hotel, they fix up the building and get help from their friends to run the new shelter.
Charlotte's web: Wilbur the pig and his...
Binge Box
Pub. Date
Black Beauty: The adventures of a horse as he is passed through the hands of many masters prior to returning to his original young master and a happy retirement.
Hotel for dogs: Foster children Andi and Bruce have been placed with a flaky couple who care more for their aspiring rock careers than their charges. Their mischievous tendencies repeatedly get them into trouble. After a close call with the local pound, the kids end up searching for Friday,...