Akosua Busia
2) Beloved
Touchstone Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
In 1873 Ohio, Sethe is a mother of three haunted by her horrific slavery past and her desperate actions for freedom. As a result, Sethe's home is haunted by a furious poltergeist, which drives away her two sons. Sethe and her daughter endure living with the spirit for 10 more years, until an old friend, Paul D. Garner, arrives to run it out. After Garner moves in, a strange woman named Beloved enters their lives, causing turmoil.
This book will heal the hurts of the daughters! In this long-awaited book, women are challenged to let the wisdom of God help them overcome the many impossible situations they encounter. God will touch your life and strengthen you as you enjoy this powerful new book especially written to the daughters...
God desires that all men be saved! That is why He sent Jesus Christ to die for us. Jesus used His blood to pay for our sins. For us who have been saved, God is calling us to be saviours of men.
We have been given the Great Commission. Jesus' last words to us are to go into all the world and make disciples of all men! Will you heed the call?
Yet another thought-provoking title in the classic evangelistic series by Dag Heward-Mills. It is certain to...
Today, there are many little things that we can do that will make a huge difference in the overall effort of building the kingdom of God. Just a little bit more effort, a little bit more time, a little bit more money to advance the cause of Christ, a little bit more interest in the unsaved soul, a little bit more care for your neighbour will make a huge difference.
Can't you do just a little bit more? This is a clarion call we cannot ignore! Can't...
Dr. Dag Heward-Mills, an exceptional Christian leader, reveals one of his secrets. "If anybody were to ask me what the greatest secret of my relationship with God is, I would say, without any hesitation, that it is the power of the quiet times I have with Him everyday." He has decided to write this book so that you too can benefit from the power of the quiet time.
The presence of God is precious! The presence of God is important! The presence of God is essential to our lives and we must desire it with all our hearts. We cannot in any way limit how essential the presence of God is to our walk with Him. We ought to be in pursuit of the presence of God always. To have an anointed presence with you is to have the Holy Presence of God in your life. May your heart be stirred up to yearn for the precious presence...
The Holy Spirit is described in many ways; as a river, water, a wind, oil, a blanket, a dove and so on. To flow in the anointing is to flow with the Holy Spirit in these diverse ways in which He manifests Himself. May you experience the Holy Spirit in you, with you and upon you! May you allow the mighty hand of God to guide you as you just flow with Him!
10) Victory Secrets
Life can be challenging to every one. Many times what you need to overcome what you are encumbered with is wisdom. Wisdom is the secret of God that will help you to rise from your struggles into a living wonder. God has ordained you for glory. The secret of God is the wisdom of God in a mystery that is ordained for your glory and beautification. May the revelations of this book bring you victory every day! May this book give you knowledge to triumph!...
Pastors are under pressure to excite and impress their congregations with good news. This pressure from the people has caused a twisting of the words of Christ until the message of the cross is hardly recognizable.
Today we are returning to the basic truths of Christianity that we must "lose"" in order to ""gain"" Christ. Power will return to the church as we preach that we must sacrifice, suffer and die for Christ. The power of Christ's words cannot...
Kenkey for Ewes & Other Very Short Stories' is a collection of 50 stories that are considered to be some of the best published works on the Flash Fiction Ghana Blog.
'Kenkey for Ewes' is based around themes of modern African identity, love and respect for the dead, cruelty and greed and the enigmatic influence of fate and fortune.
From worlds inhabited by ghosts and talking twigmen, forlorn immigrants and greedy fetish priests -to the perennial,...